About Me
Hello there! I'm Ari, an undergraduate studying Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at the Honors College of New Jersey Institute of Technology. I'm passionate about all things technology, math, and robotics and love building software, especially when it has a real impact on people's lives.
When I'm not “Playing Visual Studio Code”, you can find me taking pictures of sunsets, watching KDramas and Bollywood, or playing Valorant.

Technology Intern
6/2023 - Present

CS113 Course Assistant
1/2023 - Present

Morgan Stanley
Technology Analyst Intern
7/2021 - 6/2022

NJIT | Honors College
GPA: 4.0/4.0
B.S. Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
9/2022 - 5/2026

Bergen County Academies
GPA: 3.97/4.0
High School | Engineering Concentration
9/2018 - 6/2022
DemoBiz · 2023
Generates and delivers demographic and business data for aspiring business owners based on their chosen zip codes and target industries via email.
- Flask
- Python 3
- Celery
- Redis
- Pandas
Havel · 2023
A mobile app that intelligently reccomends homestays to travelers based on their demogrpahics and preferences.
- React-Native
- Expo
- Tailwind
- Firebase
- Firestore
NJT Rewards · 2023
Utilized user’s transit tendencies and trends to suggest tailored local businesses to users, revamping its reward system. Presented to NJTransit @ HackRU 2023
- ReactJS
- Next.js
- Firebase
- Bing API
Last Mile · 2022
A mobile app that provides a crowdsourced solution for last mile deliveries. Won Best Freshman Hack at HackNJIT 2022.
- React-Native
- Expo
- Firebase
- Bing API
NJIT Planner · 2022
An application that generatews a calendar on Notion for NJIT students to plan out their semester.
Private Project :(
- Python 3
- Twilio
- Notion API
- Pandas
Freight Frenzy · 2021-2022
As a captain of my FTC Robotics Team, I helped developed the autonomous and teleop code for the robot during the 2021-2022 season.
- Android Studio
- OpenCV
- Java
- Gradle
ResearchSimulating Mental Asylum Patient Behavior with Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms · 2023
Implementing supervised machine learning and AI methodologies to create intelligent patient behavior within a Unity simulation of a mental asylum
Private Project :(
- Unity
- Flask_RestX
- SciKit Learn
- Supervised Learning
- Generative AI
Simulating Mental Asylum Patient Behavior with Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms · 2023
Implementing supervised machine learning and AI methodologies to create intelligent patient behavior within a Unity simulation of a mental asylum
Private Project :(
- Unity
- Flask_RestX
- SciKit Learn
- Supervised Learning
- Generative AI